Anderson Silva Workout – Exercise & Diet Program Followed by the MMA Legend Revealed

Anderson Silva is a Brazilian-born mixed martial arts fighter and current Middleweight Champion in the UFC. He holds the longest active winning at 10 wins and is considered the best pound for pound fighter in the UFC. Nicknamed “The Spider,” Silva dominates opponents with his long legs, incredible endurance, and strength. He is one of the bets athletes in the UFC and works incredibly hard to maintain his chiseled physique and fighting shape.

Silva’s workout plan includes time devoted to cardio, flexibility, grappling / boxing / fighting skills, and weight lifting. His goals are to build a strong body while staying within his weight requirements and remaining quick and fleet-footed.


His workout regime includes distance running (3 – 5 miles), followed by sessions of high intensity interval training. Usually this means shorter (100 meter) sprints, pushups, pull-ups, mountain climbers, and other bodyweight movements designed to stimulate the central nervous system and improve maximum oxygen intake.

Cardio is followed by rigorous stretching including stretching his arms, legs, and core to not only maintain flexibility, but to ensure that his muscles remain loose, limber, and capable of his famous quick strikes.

Weight Lifting

Silva works out with a program that includes heavy compound lifts such as squats, deadlifts, and power cleans. A similar schedule is as follows:

Workout A: 3×5 back squat, 3×5 bench press, 3×5 power clean Workout B: 3×5 back squat, 3×5 overhead press, 1×5 deadlift

Alternate your workouts three days per week with one day of rest between each session. Start the first week with Workout A and the second week with Workout B. You can add other work like sit ups or pull ups, but you want to increase weight pretty much every time you step into the gym.

If you’re serious about building a body like Anderson Silva diet and exercise will only get you halfway there. supplements like Nitric Oxide will help you boost blood flow to muscles. It can give you stronger workouts, faster muscle gains, increased endurance and quicker recovery times. These effects let you work out more frequently and gain the athletic edge you need. The harder you train, the more nitric oxide can benefit you and your body.

Source by Jeff Rambuken

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