How to Train Like Your Favorite Track and Field Star –

Want to get in great shape like track and field star Hussein Bolt? Would you like to complete at least two or more runs a day and build up your speed, agility, muscle mass, and cardiovascular fitness? If so, you’ve come to the right place.


Training for track and field is one of the best ways to stay in shape and implement a training plan. It’s also one of the most intense forms of exercise. It involves more than just running (although running is essential).

To successfully train for track and field, you need to focus on building muscle mass, increasing strength and endurance, and burning fat. You also need to tailor your diet to meet your body’s needs in order to achieve your goals.


Here are the track and field athlete’s secret workouts and diets to help you get the lean, toned, and muscular body you want. These activities can also increase your competitiveness in marathons, sprints, and long-distance races.



Aerobic training is an important factor in the success of track and field stars because it is the most effective way to train endurance and speed. In order to get the most out of your aerobic exercise , it’s important to do it correctly.


There are many types of aerobic exercise for track and field stars. It depends on fitness level and goals. Track and field requires a lot of endurance and stamina, so aerobic training for track and field stars should be high-intensity and demanding.   High-intensity interval training (HIIT) and other intense workouts on a treadmill or elliptical machine are probably best .


You can also train your body with different aerobic exercises that target different muscle groups. These exercises are:




Running is one of the most popular forms of aerobic exercise because it’s gentle on the joints and can be done anywhere without any equipment. Plus, it doesn’t take a lot of time or money to start running, making it perfect for those who want to get in shape but don’t have a lot of time and money.


Running training is an excellent exercise for building endurance and speed. It also helps improve muscle strength. But that’s not all! Running also has many benefits for your physical and mental health, making it well worth the effort. These include:

  • Running burns calories and helps you lose weight.
  • It improves cardiovascular health by strengthening your heart and lungs and increasing blood circulation throughout your body.
  • Regular running builds a protective framework around your bones, making your muscles and bones more resistant to fractures caused by falls or injuries.
  • Running builds leg strength , which can increase your running speed. Running builds endurance. It helps the body build stronger muscles and increase stamina to last longer without getting tired.
  • Relieves stress – Running releases endorphins, which are natural painkillers that make you feel good and reduce stress.  


Short interval training


Short interval training

Build endurance by increasing the intensity of your regular workouts and alternating between lower and higher heart rate zones for 30 minutes. If you’re an advanced track star, you might start with 250 meters and work your way down to 50 meters. Beginners start with 50 meters, alternating between running/jogging and walking.  


Skipping rope training




is a great way to improve flexibility and leg mobility. It trains your legs and feet, reduces time on the ground, and improves speed and endurance. Skipping rope is also a great way to improve heart health, lower blood pressure, and increase lung capacity.    




If you want to improve endurance, do interval rowing, rowing vigorously for 20 seconds, then rest for 60 seconds before returning to another 20-second rowing – continue the sentence. You can use a bodyweight resistance trainer

if your gym doesn’t have a rowing machine, or if you find an exercise that’s suitable for this type of exercise, such as skipping rope.  


Staircase exercise


Staircase exercise can improve your cardiovascular endurance while building muscle strength and flexibility and reducing the risk of injury. Stair training is also a good option because you can do it anywhere.


The key to stair climbing is walking, not jogging. When jogging, if you do too much at once, you will lose your balance and even get dizzy. If you are new to this type of exercise, start with just one stair run.




Endurance training helps you build your stamina for long runs without getting out of breath or getting injured from overworking your muscles.

Strength training helps strengthen the muscles in your arms and legs. This will increase your speed because your strength will allow you to push off the ground with more force.  

The following exercises train your body’s strength and endurance as well as speed and agility. When doing these exercises, take a few days off between each training session.



1. Overhead squat


The overhead squat is a weightlifting exercise that effectively trains the muscles of the upper body, core, and lower body, and is an essential part of every runner’s training plan

. It mimics the motion of a person squatting to lift an object from the floor.  To perform an overhead squat, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointed outward. Hold a barbell or dumbbells overhead with both hands. Keeping your back straight, bend at the hips and knees until you are in a squatting position (keeping your heels on the floor).


Press your hips back as you get into the squatting position and maintain that position throughout the movement. Once in position, push yourself back up to an upright standing position while squeezing your glutes tightly.



2. Romanian Single-Leg Deadlift


The single-leg deadlift

is a unilateral variation of the deadlift that works the glute and thigh muscles to increase

muscular strength and endurance. You can use a barbell, kettlebell, or dumbbells to perform this exercise.  To perform this exercise, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in your hands. Lift one foot off the floor and bend at the knee so that the foot is balanced on the floor. Make sure your ribs are down and your pelvis is facing forward.


Slowly push your hips back while lowering your torso forward and down until parallel to the ground.


Once you feel a stretch in your hips, tensely exhale and place your right foot on the floor while extending your hips back up to a standing position to regain control. Perform 10 reps in 2-3 sets, then switch to your left leg.





Overhead Lunges Overhead lunges, also called walking lunges or overhead lunges, are a great exercise for your hip flexors and quadriceps. It also strengthens your core, glutes, and hamstrings.


Overhead lunges build lower and upper body strength and improve balance and core stability. It also improves your leg swing and core strength, making it a great way to challenge your balance as you shift your focus from one leg to the other, similar to running.


To perform this exercise, begin by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees bent. Lift the weight overhead, making sure it is directly above your head and centered between your shoulder joints.


Take a large step forward with your right foot and slowly lower your body into a lunge position while exhaling. Make sure your abdominal muscles are tight and your chest is up. Inhale and pause.



Push out with your front foot and return to the starting position while stepping forward with your other foot.

Perform 3 sets of 15 before switching sides and repeating the same number of repetitions with your other leg.  4. Burpees


The burpee is a full-body exercise that includes squats, push-ups, and jumps. It

builds upper and lower body muscles and cardiovascular endurance by using your body weight as resistance.

 To perform this exercise, start in a squat position with your feet shoulder-width apart and your back straight. Place your hands on the floor in front of you, just between your feet.


Move your feet back so that they are resting on your toes and hands.

Then push yourself up to an upright position while extending your arms overhead. Jump up, then return to a squatting position with your hands on the floor.  

Do 20 reps in 2-3 sets.   



Sprint training is very effective for improving your overall fitness. By incorporating


into your fitness routine, you can improve your cardiovascular fitness, increase your speed and power, and become more efficient in all aspects of running, thereby improving your cardiovascular and muscular endurance.  ( *)Sprint training can be performed in a variety of ways, but common variations include short bursts of high-intensity aerobic exercise or interval training. They are typically broken up into 30-second sessions with 1-2 minutes of rest between sessions.  

This type of workout works your entire body, from your arms and legs to your core and heart.

Here are some tips on how to do this exercise correctly:


Start out slow and gradually increase your speed over time. Warm up your muscles by running in place or doing some light jumping jacks or toe taps while walking around the block, or run in place at a low intensity for 10 minutes.

Give yourself some time to let your muscles recover.

  • Workout 1: 10
  • x


  If you are new to sprint training, start with this workout. 

Warm up for five minutes with an exercise such as walking, jogging, or dynamic training. Sprint for 30 seconds at a moderate pace around 50-60% of your maximum effort, then slow down or walk for 60-120 seconds to rest, then sprint again for 30 seconds at 70% of your maximum effort.

 Recover actively by slowing down for 120 seconds, then sprint again for 30 seconds at 80% of your maximum effort. Rest for 120 seconds, then continue the pattern at 80% of your maximum effort for 20 minutes.



Workout 2: Advanced Sprint Workout


Once you have mastered the beginner workout, you can take it to the next level by increasing the intensity, shortening the recovery intervals, and changing the duration of the sprints.

For example, you could change a 30-second sprint portion at 80% of your maximum effort with a 120-second recovery period to a 45-second run portion at 80% of your maximum effort with a 120-second recovery period. 120 seconds, or simply reduce the recovery period from 120 seconds to 60 seconds.


5-minute warm-up

Sprint for 30 seconds at 80% of your maximum effort with 60 seconds of active recovery, or sprint at

95% of your effort on a hill with a 90-second recovery walk or 12 seconds of jogging.

  • Repeat this pattern 30 times
  • Workout 3: Hill Sprints

Hill sprints

are a great way to burn fat and build muscle while pushing your limits. For interval training, you can do them on a

treadmill or up a steep hill.    Intervals vary depending on the terrain but are always high.Intense bursts of activity followed by a period of rest. Maintain a steady effort climbing and use downhills to recover during the workout.


Sprint up a hill ⅓ at max speed, then jog down at a slow pace Slow downhillSprint up a hill ⅔ at max speed, then jog down at a slow pace

Run up a hill at max speed, then jog down at an easy pace. Recovery 2 minutes

  • 4 x 20 second runs up a hill, then jog down at an easy pace
  • Endurance sprint training

The purpose of endurance sprint training is to improve your ability to maintain your top speed for a longer period of time. It trains your body to relax and maintain a faster pace for a longer period of time, which is critical for participants in half marathons or marathons.

22-second sprints at 85% of your max effort, 4 x 18 at 8% incline;

90-second recovery walk or run

22-second sprints at 95% of your max effort, 4 x 18 at 95% incline 1% incline and 90-second recovery walk or run

  • Pyramid sprint workouts

Pyramid sprints increase your speed before returning to the starting point. They’re great for keeping your body going. Because the recovery period lasts twice as long as the work period, you’ll constantly feel ready for the next interval.


Sprint for 30 seconds, followed by 1 minute of active recovery by walking or jogging

Sprint for 45 seconds, followed by 90 seconds of active recovery

Sprint for 1 minute, recover by walking or jogging for 2 minutes

  • ) Repeat four times
    Track stars rely on the guidance of a nutritionist to maintain the calorie intake required for optimal energy output to complete the workout. In order to run 100 meters or 200 meters, track stars need a meal rich in carbohydrates and sufficient glycogen in their bodies. You also need protein and healthy fats, although these are not broken down as quickly as carbohydrates during exercise.


However, the diet of a track star is mainly composed of

protein , which is distributed as follows: 60


protein, 30% carbohydrates and 10% fat, while a sprinter only needs 1 gram of protein per body weight to build and maintain muscle.  While supplements are not necessary, nutritionists recommend supplements like creatine and glutamine.  

When both supplements are combined, they can provide an extra boost before and after a workout

. Creatine replenishes energy stores depleted by training, while glutamine boosts the immune system, strengthens muscles, and promotes fast recovery after a tough workout.  


 The Track Star workout and diet plan is an effective way to improve your overall fitness. By incorporating these exercises into your fitness routine, you can improve your cardiovascular health and fitness, increase your speed and power, and become more efficient in all aspects of running.

Start training today to improve your running speed, power, and endurance!

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